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Monday, April 9, 2012

OpenBTS : Starter Reference

What is OpenBTS? What all they can do for humans ?

Open BTS is a Open source Base Transceiver Station, just a piece of hardware that helps you to create ur own GSM network Or Intercepting calls of GSM users via Any VOIP Subscription, but before subscribing to any VOIP Providers I want u read the Privacy policy of the provider then u all set to go ..!!

I understand ur next question, What this hardware all about and where I can get it ?

Alright, USRP(Universal software radio project) as a part of essel  is manufacturing the product, they are the leading manufacturers of software based radio servers..

Gotcha, Where I can buy it for Legal Puposes ?

Yeah there is a place 

They are currently taking all the Orders now..! You can even contact them in mail form for the Hardware datasheets

OK my product is shipped ?what I can do with it ?
Subscribe for VoIP services that u like ..!!
Then u are ready to go, but before some insights that u need to understand about OpenBTS,
Its Purely opensource  Not as Asterisk habe Dual licences (Free software & properitary Software)
You ll learn about asterisk in mi next article.
Watch the above video to Create ur OWN GSM Network:

Where is Used : OpenBTS has already been used for cellular service at the Burning Man festival in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada and on the island of Niue in the South Pacific, among other locations.

Since No telecom company shown interest to provide services in the Island of Niue(only 1,200 peopes).OpenBTS is installed recently for Telecom services to talk with another in the same island..If the OpenBTS Switch is connected to internet means 1,200 peoples can talk all over the world..!  Thanks to Dany for Bridging the Small island to the world

It uses open source Asterisk VoIP software as the PBX(private both exchange, you can call it as a Switching center where ur all calls forwarding to destination) to connect calls..

GSM operates on licensed bandwidth, OpenBTS networks can connect to the public switched network and the Internet. Because it converts to VoIP, it "makes every cell phone look like a SIP end point … and every cell phone looks like an IP device. But we don’t touch anything in the phone. Our calls Placed in VoIP using interent and then reaches the GSM Network Thro asterisk PBX …

any GSM phone will work, from a NOKIA 1100,2300 ANY 1000Rupees cell phone to iPhones and Androids.(In Androids and IPhone I Don kno call reception and forwarding will work inUMTS and Dual mode, So educate me in comments )

Kestral has sold about 150 units, hardware and software, since last January, with trial systems installed in India, Africa, the South Pacific and a number of other countries. The team has also done a few private installations like oil fields, farms, and ships at sea. They are also providing a system to the Australian Base in Antarctica. Plus OpenBTS has been downloaded about 4,000 times, mostly by researchers able to build their own base stations. It is also of interest for military communications, law enforcement and DARPA projects.
 DEFCON Hacking with GNU RADIO :


See you on Next Article "ASTERISK"

I wish to have a USRP in order to test OpenBTS, but I think it still a little bit expansive.